Letter of Support: Florida Senate Bill 106, SUN Trail Expansion

Click image for a PDF of the letter.

A bill in the Florida Senate would increase funding for the SUN Trail network and expand the Florida Greenways and Trails System. As many of you know, the SUN Trail program and the growing network of state and local shared-use paths make the Sunshine State a better place to bicycle, walk, and run – whether for health, social time with family and friends, or as a means of transportation.

SB 106 specifically prioritizes the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists and promotes connecting places and closing gaps. That is important, as more people will use trails that help them get from one place to another – such as from home to work, or to stores – safely. People also use trails for fitness, which helps reduce chronic disease.

The Florida Bicycle Association supports SB 106, which now is on the agenda for the Transportation Committee meeting on Feb. 7. If you’d like to learn more or share your own thoughts about the bill with lawmakers, please find more information here: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/106.


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